Unwanted Sexual Behaviors Coaching

A Path Toward Freedom

Unwanted sexual behaviors—whether it’s pornography use, infidelity, or purchasing sex—can have devastating effects on both the person engaging in them and the people they love. Breaking free requires more than just trying harder and more willpower; it requires understanding why we turn to these behaviors in the first place.

Jay Stringer, author of Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing, provides a groundbreaking approach to understanding unwanted sexual behavior. His work, along with the Journey Course he developed, emphasizes that the key to healing is not about fighting against the behavior itself but understanding the story behind it. By exploring our life experiences, wounds, and unmet needs, we begin to uncover the deeper reasons we gravitate toward behaviors that we ultimately despise.

Why Understanding "Why" is Crucial

Many who struggle with unwanted sexual behaviors feel trapped in a cycle of shame and self-sabotage. They often ask, “Why do I keep going back to something I hate?” Jay Stringer’s research shows that unwanted sexual behaviors are not random; they are tied to our past stories, childhood wounds, trauma, and unmet longings. They often become coping mechanisms for dealing with emotional pain, stress, or relational disconnection. By digging deep into these areas, individuals can gain insight into the core issues driving their behaviors.

For example, someone might turn to pornography or affairs as a way to escape feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, or unresolved trauma. These behaviors are attempts to numb emotional pain or temporarily feel a sense of control or worth. But understanding the “why” behind these actions helps individuals identify healthier ways to meet those needs. Rather than merely suppressing the behavior, Story Work Coaching, rooted in Jay Stringer’s methodology, helps individuals engage with the underlying wounds that drive them to these destructive patterns.

What Unwanted Sexual Behavior Coaching Involves

Brad, as an Unwanted Journey certified guide through Jay Stringer’s Journey Course, offers a structured and compassionate space for individuals, couples, and groups to explore their unwanted sexual behaviors and work toward healing. His coaching goes beyond surface-level approaches, focusing on the deeper issues at play. Here’s what this coaching process involves:

  1. Exploring Your Story: Through guided coaching, you will explore your personal narrative—your life story, trauma, relational dynamics, and childhood experiences that have shaped your current struggles. By understanding how your past has influenced your present behavior, you can begin to untangle the patterns and triggers that lead to unwanted sexual behaviors.

  2. Identifying Core Wounds: The coaching process helps you identify the core emotional wounds driving your behavior. These could include feelings of abandonment, rejection, or inadequacy, which often lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Through this process, you’ll begin to address these wounds directly, rather than using sexual behaviors to escape them.

  3. Reframing Your Identity: Many people struggling with unwanted sexual behaviors carry immense guilt and shame, which perpetuates the cycle of acting out. Brad’s coaching offers a space to reframe your identity, recognizing that your behavior does not define you. Instead, you are invited to see yourself with compassion and to understand your behavior as a misguided attempt to meet deep, unmet needs. This shift is crucial in breaking free from shame and opening the door to healing.

  4. Practical Tools for Change: While understanding your story is the foundation, Unwanted Sexual Behavior Coaching also provides practical tools for change. You will learn to identify triggers, set healthy boundaries, and build supportive relationships that help you remain accountable and grounded in your healing journey.

  5. Support for Couples: For couples affected by unwanted sexual behavior, Brad offers coaching that addresses not only the individual’s healing journey but also the relational dynamics that have been impacted. Couples coaching helps rebuild trust, improve communication, and create a safe space for both partners to process the hurt caused by the behavior and work toward restoration.

Healing Through Story Work

Story Work, as used in Unwanted Sexual Behavior Coaching, is a powerful tool for breaking free from addictive patterns because it helps individuals connect the dots between their past wounds and current struggles. Instead of living in the shame and secrecy of unwanted sexual behaviors, this coaching allows you to bring those hidden stories into the light, confront them with compassion, and ultimately begin to heal.

Brad’s coaching, informed by Jay Stringer’s Journey Course, offers a holistic and redemptive path toward freedom from unwanted sexual behaviors. Whether you’ve been struggling for years or are just starting to recognize these patterns in your life, Unwanted Sexual Behavior Coaching provides the guidance and support needed to break free from the cycle of guilt and shame, leading to healing and a restored sense of self.

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If you’re ready to experience deeper connection, improved communication, and lasting intimacy in your marriage, Aldrich Ministries is here to support you. Our experienced coaches will guide you on a personalized journey to rediscover the love, joy, and fulfillment you’ve been longing for in your relationship.

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