Relationship Coaching

Marriage~Seriously Dating~Premarital

Being in a relationship is a beautiful part of life, and yet it is also a source of hurt and pain that seems impossible to navigate at times. Whether you find yourself having the same arguments with the people you love, confused by your own thoughts, patterns, emotions, or desiring to move out of cycles in your life, we at Aldrich Ministries are here to walk with you on that journey.

We work with couples in every stage or their relationship, or individuals desiring to work on any and all relationship dynamics in their lives. Relationship coaching can bring levels of growth, understanding, and freedom you have been desiring. On this journey you will have the opportunity to engage where you are in life in your relationships as well as where you’d like to be.

Relationship coaching is not just for couples. You can experience these emotions with parents, children, and other important people in your life. You can have relationship coaching with others, or by yourself too.